Thank you for your interest in becoming a REALTOR® member of the Plumas Association of REALTORS®. The REALTOR® trademark is one of the strongest and most recognized brands in the world. As a member of the Plumas Association of REALTORS®, the California Association of REALTORS®, and the National Association of REALTORS®, you have access to a wide array of benefits, business tools, real estate market data, educational opportunities, and discount programs designed to help you succeed in today’s market.


From MLS only access and RETS feeds to Full Rights access to all PAR benefits, there’s a plan to suit you.

Plumas MLS New Brokerage ~

$500 one-time setup fee,

$85/annual, $68/mo*

If you are a brokerage new to the Plumas Association of Realtors or a brokerage seeking MLS access, choose this membership packet.

Realtor Association Membership ~

     New $793 or Secondary $125

+ MLS $85/annual, $68/mo*


If you are joining a Realtor Association for the first time and are working at a member brokerage, or, if you are a member of another association and want full benefits, including Plumas MLS, member-only learning opportunities and Glide, choose this application packet.

MLS only Access ~ $85/annual,$68/mo*

If you are an agent belonging to another Realtor Association and only want access to the Plumas MLS, choose this application packet. (Your brokerage must be a current PlumasMLS participant.)

Affiliate ~ $125 annual

If you provide services to the real estate industry and want to receive the full benefits of Association membership, including a strong local network, choose this application packet.

Appraiser Membership ~

$100 one-time setup, $85/annual, $58/mo*

If you are a licensed appraiser and would like access to the Plumas Multiple Listing Service, choose this application packet.


RETS Vendor ~ $300 one-time setup fee,

$100 annual fee, $100 new client fee

If you are a RETS Vendor, choose this application packet.

Clerical Access ~ $0

If you are employed by a member or MLS-only brokerage or agent, choose this application packet.

*Setup fees and other terms may apply. There is a reactivation fee of $150 charged to any MLS subscriber who ends their subscription and rejoins within a calendar year. Scroll down for more information.

Additional fee Information

The Plumas Association of REALTORS® (``Association``) and Multiple Listing Service (``MLS``) is operated as one organization, and is governed by the Board of Directors of the Association. The Multiple Listing Service is a means by which authorized MLS Broker Participants establish legal relationships with other Participants by making a unilateral contractual offer of cooperation to other Broker Participants. You must hold a valid California Real Estate license in order to access the MLS. You must also read and follow the MLS Policy and MLS Rules and Regulations.

MLS Fees
Brokers must join if an agent joins, and there is a one-time New Office Set-up fee of $500. Agents/brokers must also each pay a $85 annual fee (assessed in January) and $68 monthly subscription fees and a one-time processing fee of $30. The processing fee is waived if the subscriber or participant is also joining the Association. The fees are not pro-rated. Initial MLS fees are paid by the participant/subscriber, and are billed monthly thereafter to the Broker Subscriber.
Appraisers who hold a valid California Appraiser certification or license may subscribe to the MLS by paying a $100 setup fee, an $85 annual fee (assessed in January) and $58 monthly fees.
Clerical Users
You are an unlicensed assistant or administrator that needs access to the MLS to assist a sales agent and perform only administrative and clerical tasks that do not require a real estate license or an appraiser's certificate or license. There is currently no charge for clerical users, but you must register with the Clerical User form.
Lockbox System
Access to the Sentrilock/Sentrismart Bluetooth Lockbox system is included with MLS fees if the participant requests it. There is also Affiliate lockbox access available to home inspectors/pest inspectors if you join as an Affiliate member. You must sign the following User Agreement Lockboxes are available for sale for $75 (used) or $110 (new) per box. You may resell your boxes to the MLS for $50 per box.
RETS Feed Vendors
Requests for RETS feeds should come from vendors (not participants) who must fill out the following Content License Agreement. There is a new set-up fee of $300 for new RETS feeds, and an $100 annual fee (assessed in January) that is not pro-rated. RETS feeds for vendors with new clients (but existing credentials) must also pay a $100 new client set-up fee and the required paperwork.