We were informed yesterday (March 17, 2020) that the Plumas County Recorder’s Office has closed public access to their courthouse office due to COVID-19 transmission concerns. The recording of documents will be done by mail or by utilizing a lobby drop-box until further notice.

David Windle, president of Cal-Sierra Title Company in Quincy, reports that this may cause some delays in closings. Windle was told title companies will be allowed to drop off and pick up documents outside of the locked door to the Recorder’s Office during office hours and communicate with staff by phone. However, there will no longer be access to old records that are aren’t online.

Windle said it will likely require his staff to make two trips to the courthouse in a day instead of one, which could slow down the process. “We won’t hold it up on our end but we ask agents and their clients to be patient and understand there could be delays.”

Meanwhile, PAR leadership and staff are working on moving upcoming meetings and trainings for members to online formats. Staff will sometimes be working from home with all emails and phone calls being answered remotely.  If you need in-person assistance or lockboxes, please call ahead at 530-283-2961 to ensure that the office in Quincy will be open. You can also email at ae@plumasrealtors.com

We are concerned about the health and safety of all of our members and ask that those of you who show symptoms or come into contact with infected individuals to stay home and follow the CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of the infection. You can learn more here.

The County of Plumas  also has created a special section on its website where you can read updates about local guidance and case surveillance.

Please take a minute to read Coronavirus: A Guide for REALTORS®” that has been posted by the National Association of REALTORS®.

Finally, the California Association of REALTORS® has developed a new form called the Coronavirus Addendum/Amendment that is now available in zipForm®.  C.A.R. will also have a microsite dedicated to the COVID-19 situation that will launch tomorrow at www.car.org.

Thank you everyone as we navigate new methods of communicating and conducting business. If you have questions, concerns, or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Suzi Brakken, Association Executive

Plumas Association of REALTORS®


Suzi Brakken

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